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First of all, what is the GRE? The GRE stands for Graduate Record Exam. If you plan on applying to graduate school, you definitely have to take this. The GRE is the ACT/SAT of higher education. If you remember taking the SAT or ACT then you remember having to study for it and being nervous because it would make an impact on your college application. Well, the same goes for the GRE. You may want to study.. A LOT. the GRE is a comprehensive test that includes an analytical writing section, a verbal and quantitative section, as well as an un-scored section and a research section. The scores are as follows:

Verbal Reasoning: 130-170 In 1 point increments

Quantitative Reasoning: 130-170 in 1 point increments

Analytical Writing: 0-6 in 1/2 point increments

It costs $205.00 each time you take it and you can retake it once every 21 days, for up to five times. It can be taken on a computer-delivered test or by paper- delivered test. In total it would take about three hours and forty five minutes with short breaks in between.

In order to prepare for it free online practices are offered and many bookstores sell GRE prep books as well as flashcards. One thing is for sure, this is a complex test you would definitely not want to procrastinate on. Make sure you take plenty of time to practice and don't leave anything out whether it's small or not.

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